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Blending Outdoor Design
and Technology Trends


Serene outdoor design and technology trends blend comfort and convenience.

Portable heating makes rooftop hotel parties enjoyable during cool evenings. Wifi access turns a cabana lounge into an open-air mobile workspace for busy entrepreneurs. And a focused design elevates your space’s brand and foot traffic.

Outdoor design technology that’s simple and elegant can easily mingle with a modern open-air living space. Enhance the outdoor experience your clients dream of with these technology upgrades.


Mobile Hotspots & Charging

Being connected and having the ability to share our adventures relies on Internet connectivity. When building the ideal outdoor environment, the strongest wireless service available in the area should be part of the plan. Offer free access to patio guests as well as strategically placed USB outlets and wireless charging pads in the arms of outdoor sofas and on coffee tables so devices can discreetly recharge when not in use.


Automatic Shade

Create optimal comfort by creating cooling shade and a barrier from summer rain or gusty winds with a streamline push-button automatic cantilever parasol from Tuuci®. Thanks to intelligent design, with one touch the parasol opens. With another tap, you can activate lighting or heat to regulate your individual outdoor space. This technology allows you to enjoy the natural beauty of the outdoors day or night and simplifies closing tasks.


Eco-Friendly Lighting

Seamlessly weaving gentle, natural lighting into an outdoor space can seem daunting. Propose environmentally responsible natural gas-powered torches and solar-powered lamps with dimmer switches that can be adjusted based on the level of ambient light. Avoid harsh lights that create spotlights; we love under-chair lighting for its subtle glow.


Waterproof Speakers

Luxury spas, condominiums and resorts with outdoor entryway sound systems create a relaxing ambiance. Take this charming design element to the next level and incorporate waterproof BlueTooth speakers and surround sound systems in the establishment’s pool and spa areas. Suggest optional subscriptions to streaming music services such as Pandora, Spotify or Amazon Music to allow users to customize playlists for their individual enjoyment or special events.


POS Terminals

Keep the party going by suggesting a dedicated outdoor point-of-sale terminal. This feature can be tucked behind the counter of an outdoor bar or snack area to keep hotel or resort guests lingering in rooftop gardens or on party decks without the hassle of going indoors for refreshments.

Bringing the modern conveniences of indoor living outside isn’t difficult. It simply requires forethought and consideration while conceptualizing a new or remodeled outdoor space. Consider making the colorful, customizable Tuuci auto open Single and Dual MAX Cantilever shade platforms the focal point of your next outdoor design schematic. These outdoor design and technology trends will give guests the perfect atmosphere to access the world.

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