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Five Patio Shade Structures
Made for Coastal Living


Relaxed patio time. We all need more of it.

Let’s make your coastal outdoor spaces as inviting as possible for guests. If you notice a decline in traffic on hot, sunny days, increase the number of patio shade structures to keep everyone cool and comfortable. Consider a few of these decor elements for your next seaside patio refresh.


Add a Few Cabanas

From restaurants and office spaces, to hotels and schools, you can always use extra seating space outdoors that allows privacy, provides shade and reduces gusty wind flow. Hello, cabanas! Choose from earthy wood grain styles or strong, modern aluminum structures to mesh with your current outdoor theme. Both styles are fitted with canvas drapes and panels that can easily withstand salty ocean air.

Build a Stone Feature

Whether it’s an organic art piece or a more stylized wall, stone features tend to work in most outdoor spaces. We love the idea of adding stone planter walls to provide shaded patio areas, privacy nooks and colorful foliage above ground level. Man-made waterfalls can also be incorporated, turning stone features into true focal points that block the afternoon sun from carefully positioned seating areas.


Install Shade Sculptures

Speaking of artistic whimsey, shade sculptures can add a pop of color and dramatic visual movement to an outdoor space. The curved edges of the marine grade Stingray structure replicate the flow of waves, making it an idea coastal patio shade structure. This parasol is able to rotate 360 degrees, so you can maneuver the shade throughout the day to meet guest needs.

Plant Coastal Foliage

If your patio borders a beach or area with soil, work with a local garden center to create a natural windbreak and shade structure with regional plants. A trellis of ocean-air loving flowers would becomes a beautiful natural sun screen around the perimeter of a patio. Or, consider tall native grasses that sway in the breeze creating a calming effect and shade.


Position Large Parasols

If your floor space is at a premium, consider hoisting a double parasol. The two canopies provide twice the shading with just one base and one center pole. The MAX Dual Cantilever parasol features a telescoping pole so it can be raised or lowered to accent a variety of decor, from standing pub-style patio tables to low lounge chair seating.

We’d love to help you with your patio needs. Contact Tuuci® today to discuss how we can create more shade and amplify the comfort of your coastal outdoor space.

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