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How to Promote Your
Renovated Outdoor Space

You’re almost done with the renovations on your outdoor space – the winning color palette, innovative design features, and welcoming ambiance are all refreshing and relaxed.

Now, share that experience with your audience. Go beyond a boring text-heavy press release and give past and future customers a sneak peek into the outdoor renovation and what they can expect when they visit.

Offer a Virtual Tour

You don’t have to be a videographer to aim your smartphone camera at the stunning features of your property and explain a bit about what viewers are seeing. Start with a tight shot of colorful parasols featuring your business logo, then zoom out to scan over the luxurious seating areas, unique outdoor features, and picturesque nearby views. This personal, behind-the-scenes approach can be posted on social media and your business website to help promote the fresh outdoor space. Don’t forget to talk about why you made the updates and a few fun facts about the history of the property.


Host a VIP Party

Everyone loves an exclusive invite. Make a list of your top patrons and ideal potential customers to invite to a special event. Treat the renovation like a grand opening, complete with appetizers, drinks, and giveaways to entice visitors to come back again.

Make this event work for you by also going live on your favorite social media feed at the kickoff of the event. A peek at the party and new outdoor features will peak the curiosity of your audience, encouraging them to stop by and see what’s new. Pair the video with a special offer, and you’re sure to see an increase in sales!


Go Into the Community

Whether you have a marketing department or not, launch a campaign to create general awareness about your renovation. Hang signs at public transportation terminals, create a radio advertisement, or partner with a neighboring business on a paired deal. For example, if you manage a hotel, and a fitness center is on your block, offer half-price post-workout smoothies on your renovated cafe patio to members of the fitness center during the month of the launch. They might just fall in love with your service, setting, and smoothies, then come back for a weekend lunch or dinner. Are you still putting the final touches on your renovation project? We’d love to help you elevate the comfort level of your outdoor space with customizable parasols that shade guests from the sun, offer built-in heaters on cool evenings, and come equipped with a sound system to accentuate the mood in your space. Contact Tuuci® today to learn more.

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